APEX grades 7-9

The Achieve*Prepare*EXplore (APEX) Project an after-school program for students in grades 7-9.

The mission of APEX is to support the positive academic and social growth of students, and to foster aspirations for future college and career success. The District provides all students with a free snack and transportation near home at the end of APEX. APEX offers students an excellent after school experience, including tutoring and enrichment opportunities that support teaching and learning.

Goals of APEX

By participating in tutoring and enrichment opportunities students will improve their academic achievement to support future college and career plans and develop positive attitudes about school. Secondly, they will improve social competencies and develop life skills that will support achievement of future goals.

How to Get Involved with APEX

APEX is for students in grades 7-9 and must attend either Ernie Davis Academy or Broadway Academy.  Students must have a completed permission slip on file before they start APEX. Permission slips can be downloaded here or can be accessed in the main offices or Broadway Academy or Ernie Davis Academy. Permission slips must be completed and returned to the school main office or scanned/emailed to the site coordinators listed below.

Attendance for students is flexible—we have students who build their schedule around interest, academic success, sports, etc.
Elmira City School District’s Broadway Academy and Ernie Davis Academy are the sites of the Achieve*Prepare*EXplore (APEX) Project -- an after school program for students in grades 7-9.  The mission of APEX is to support the positive academic and social growth of students, and to foster aspirations for future college and career success.

There are two APEX sites in the District

  • Grades 7-8
  • Place: Ernie Davis Academy
  • Program Dates: October - May (APEX follows the District calendar and is closed when school is not in session)
  • Program Hours: Mon/Tues/Th, Immediately following dismissal - 5:20 p.m. (at the end of the school day, students meet in the cafeteria for a free snack then follow their APEX schedule).
  • 2024-2025 EDA APEX Calendar: view/download or print the calendar here>>
  • 2024-2025 Enrichment Course Offerings: view/download or print this year's 2024-2025 enrichment course offerings here>>
  • Coordinator: Ms. Theresa Usack
  • Office Ph: 607-735-3047
  • Cell: 607-426-0676
  • Email: [email protected] 

  • Grade 9
  • Place: Broadway Academy
  • Program Dates:  October - May  (APEX follows the District calendar and is closed when school is not in session) 
  • Program Hours: Mon/Tues/Th, 2-hours after school. APEX at BWA begins immediately following dismissal through 5:00 p.m. (at the end of the school day, students meet in the cafeteria for a free snack then follow their APEX schedule).   
  • Coordinator: Crystal Townsend
  • Office Ph: 607-735-3301
  • Email: [email protected]


• District transportation is provided free of charge and arrives at our site for dismissal.

Interested in Registering Your Student in APEX? 

Permission slips can be downloaded here and are available in the Main Office at Ernie Davis Academy and Broadway Academy or from the student's school counselor. Review the offerings with your student, sign the permission slip, and then have your student return the completed form to the school's Main Office. Students will start program once they are enrolled. Enrollment in ongoing. Please call or email APEX coordinators with questions.