Student Services

Family, School, Community: Together We Succeed

The Student Services Team is an integral part of the total educational program for all students. Community Agencies, school personnel such as Counselors, Social Workers, FCOC’s, ESL Teachers, Nurses and BOCES Personnel as well as many other entities are all part of the District's Student Services Team. By working collaboratively with student and families we are able to help students successfully navigate many of the challenges they may face both in and outside of school.

Student Services staff members provide assistance to families as well as support to general education staff and administrators. We are committed to providing our students with a safe and supportive environment while providing necessary services in health and wellness, afterschool programming, optical and dental, food security, mental health support, mentoring, casework and much more.

>>Download the 2024-2025 Family and Parent Resource Guide (.PDF)

Director of Student Services

Derek Almy
dalmy [@]

Administrative Assistant
Linda Yusko
lyusko [@]

Secretary 1
Jackie Meyer
jmeyer [@]

Our Student Services Department Offers a Variety of Supports For Families and a Team of Professionals to Help

Our mission at Student Health Services is to provide high quality academic, physical, social and emotional care to enhance student living and learning.