Welcome to the Elmira City School District! We look forward to working with you and your children.
The educational experience in Elmira begins the minute you register! We are thrilled to welcome new students to our District and have provided the helpful steps below to begin your registration process.
Pre-K Registration for the 2025-2026 academic year will open March 31, 2025.
Do you have a student who will be four years of age before December 1?
>>Click here to learn more about Pre-K in Elmira + New! Online Pre-K Registration
Please Read Our Registration Tips to Make the Process Easier
1. To Register a student, we will request:
--A copy of each student’s Birth Certificate
--Three (3) Proofs of Residency – Lease, rent receipt, Utility bill, DSS Statement, or other acceptable proof
--Completed Elmira City School District New Student(s) Registration Forms - see forms linked below.
2. Before leaving your former district, please get or have copies of the following documents:
- Immunization Records
- Copy of the most recent IEP or 504 Plan (if applicable)
- Parent/Guardian Picture Identification
- Custody Papers indicating residential custody (if applicable)
- School Records/Transcript or Final/Most Recent Report Card or Withdrawal Grades
3. Bringing the above listed information with you when you register your student(s) can help us get them placed into school in a more timely fashion.
4. You should register your student(s) as soon as possible. If you move in the summer, please do not wait until September to register them. The District can become overcrowded at that time and waiting may cause your student(s) to start later than everyone else.
5. There are two options to submit your student registration forms and documents, online or in-person. Read below for details.
Unfamiliar with Elmira's Pre-K Program? Click here for details.