As educators, our job is to prepare students to be progressive leaders. And that means providing tools that simulate our ever-changing global world. Digital literacy is a necessary skill for success.
Introduced in 2017, 1:1 devices are providing Elmira students a leg-up on how technology can innovate their educational experience. As part of a larger district objective to introduce technology as a tool for learning, Elmira City Schools provides 1:1 devices and training to students and teachers. The program was launched to seventh graders in 2017 as a pilot, and is now expanding to all 6-8th graders.
Made by Bak USA in Buffalo, NY, each sixth, seventh and eighth grade student is provided an Atlas Hybrid Device (between a laptop and tablet) with Microsoft 365 software installed to supplement their work in the classroom. From team collaboration, to taking classroom notes and drawing, the technology is integrated into their daily experience. Students carry their device throughout the day, from classroom to classroom, and leave it in school until the next day (devices currently do not go home with students). Teachers are able to create mobile laboratories, digitize curricula, and streamline content online and offline while advancing technology skills necessary for their success.
We believe that collaboration is fundamental for student learning and that everyone deserves a safe and accepting learning environment. Every student is provided a device and this levels the playing field for inclusion of all students. We also believe that the educational experience must prepare students with the skills to be career and college ready.
There are many benefits to the new tool including affirmative assessment, or the ability for a classroom teacher to evaluate student learning in real time during a lesson.