2024 Late Winter EXPRESS Newsletter
March 2024
Dear friends,
We have had a wonderful start to 2024! In this newsletter, you’ll discover a wide array of new programs, student and staff success stories, and new educational opportunities that we are introducing into our classrooms and school buildings. From our Council of Champions at Ernie Davis Academy to Sphero Indi coding in our primary buildings, there are many different initiatives that are happening in order to provide our students with the best educational experience possible. I encourage you to read about all of the exciting things happening across the Elmira City School District.
>>View or Download the 2024 Winter EXPRESS Newsletter
In Elmira, we are always evolving to meet the needs and ambitions of our students and community. We are continually looking for ways in which we can connect with our community. You’ll read about the Express Cart at Elmira High School on pages 13-14, an opportunity we have in partnership with the Food Bank of the Southern Tier. This program is a great example of our commitment to Community Schools programming. We strive to meet the needs of the whole-student. Academic, physical, social and emotional, and safety needs vary by person and we work hard to ensure that we offer a variety of supports.
A whole child approach understands that students’ education and life outcomes are dependent upon their access to safe and welcoming learning environments and rich learning experiences in and out of school. We believe that everyone, both at school and at home, plays an essential role in helping students reach their full potential.
When we work together, engaging actively with one another, we can fully support students. Student safety is the top priority in our Elmira City Schools. When we look at safety, it is not just about physical safety. Students must feel welcome and emotionally safe. encourage you to feel empowered to ‘see something, say something’ if your child is experiencing something that is negatively impacting their educational experience. Providing families and students with easy to access and user friendly ways to report concerns allows us to address issues quickly and provide needed support through conflict management and resolution. As you know, the district has strategically implemented new mechanisms for students and families to report concerns. The Conflict Resolution Form and the SpeakUp for Safety tipline can be found at elmiracityschools.com/safety. Safety is a collective responsibility -- thank you for your help in keeping our schools safe learning environments.
Thank you and be well,
Hillary J. Austin
Superintendent of Schools
Elmira City School District