The Elmira City School District School Health Council, consisting of representatives from administration, teaching, student body, food service personnel, school board members, health professionals, child advocates and community members, assumes the responsibility of developing the School Wellness Policy. The implementation and monitoring of this policy will take place in conjunction with school board approval. The committee will meet quarterly to discuss concerns and alignment of District practice with the Elmira City School District School Wellness Policy.
Students with Food Allergies and Restrictions
School Meals -- Lunch
Students who participate in the school lunch program on a regular basis can be assured that the meals are planned to provide 1/3 of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for key nutrients and calories.
School Meals -- Breakfast
Students who participate in the school breakfast program on a regular basis can be assured that the meals are planned to provide 1/4 of the RDA for key nutrients and calories.
Free and Reduced-Price Meals
All schools in the District have a cash register system that is set up to ensure the security and confidentiality of every student in the program. The system requires students to input their ID numbers at the high school and middle school levels. Only the cashier would know, by reading the cash register screen, if the lunch is free or reduced. Elementary students report their name to the cashier, who in turn selects their name from a class list on a touch screen, allowing the cashier to process student accounts appropriately.
Foods Allergies and Food Restrictions
The food service staff in each school is aware of allergies and food restrictions for students in their building, based on information given to them by the nursing staff. Building nursing staff develops individualized healthcare plans and/or individualized emergency plans, as appropriate, for students with severe food allergies and/or restrictions. School nurses are responsible for notification and inservice of appropriate staff (teachers, dietary staff, bus staff, etc.), including teaching how to administer EpiPen, if appropriate.
The Elmira City School District discourages the use of food items as rewards at all levels and will strive to offer non-food incentives and those related to the desired behavior. If a teacher chooses to use food as a reward they MUST also offer a non-food alternative. Such examples include but are not limited to; additional recess or physical activity time, stickers, pencils, special time with a teacher, administrator or student, etc.
Statement about "Celebrations"
The Elmira City School District discourages more than two celebrations/parties each month (per classroom) involving foods of minimal nutritional value (MNV) while further limiting those foods of MNV to one per celebration. The District will actively involve staff, parents and community members in the notification of said restrictions while identifying and encouraging the offering of foods from a variety of nutritious foods. Celebrations not involving food are not subject to limitations.
For details about the District's Wellness Policy, click here.