Employee Contracts

Click on the union names below to see contracts:

Custodial, Maintenance, and Cafeteria Workers (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2026)

Communication Workers of America

CWA Local 1111 is a union organization of your fellow workers who have come together to improve their terms of employment and protect their rights on the job. Within CWA, all decisions are made democratically, either by the members directly in local meetings, or by the members' elected representatives at conventions and executive board meetings. The officers, chosen by the Union members in elections every three years, are Union members. You have the right to join CWA and to fully participate in its affairs. The rights of Union members are spelled out in the CWA Constitution and in your Local Bylaws. To see the Elmira City School District's contract with CWA, click here, or contact your CWA representative. More information about CWA Local 1111 can be found at their website. www.cwalocal1111.com.

Elmira Schools Supervisory and Administrative Council (July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2025)

Status of Revised Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR ESSAC)

Elmira Teachers Association Agreement | July 1,2024 - June 30, 2027

Instructional Support Employees Association | 2023-2027 Contract

Status of Revised Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR ISEA)