Lion's Club Vision Screenings

Lion's Club Vision Screenings
Posted on 01/13/2025
Lion's Club Vision Screenings

2025 Lion's Club Vision Screens!

The Lion's Club vision screenings are underway this week in the elementary school buildings in Elmira for students in grades Pre-K-6.

The District teams up with the Lions Club each year to offer students a vision screening test above and beyond what is required by New York State.

State Law requires the school nurse to check students at various grade levels for near vision, distant vision, and color vision problems. The Lions Club will bring in special equipment that evaluates student’s optical health for significant eye problems that can lead to amblyopia or lazy eye.

This program is open to all students in Elmira in pre-k-6 free of charge

This test is done by trained Lions Club volunteers at the school, during the day, and at no cost to any of our families. The test can detect possible issues that could be missed through traditional vision screenings.

Do you want your student to participate but missed the deadline and form?

Download a packet below and see the make-up schedules here:

2025 Vision Permission Packets and Consent forms can be downloaded here (or can be requested in the main office of your student's school).

2025 Vision Screen Make up Schedule

-Grades Pre-K - 2 - February 6, 2025
-Grades 3 - 6, February 4, 2025

Questions? Contact a Building Coordinator

Health Office Staff Directory>>

District Coordinator (s)
Derek Almy (607) 735-3040
Melissa Montopoli (607) 735-3222 

From the Doctor's Desk | A New Lion's Club in Elmira, New York

Dear Elmira Community,

I am pleased to invite you and anyone else you think might be interested to learn about how to become involved in a new Lions Club in Elmira we are working to form.

As background, the Greater Elmira Area has great need in services related to youth, food distress, health care screening and access among other things. There is a large aging population that could benefit from Lions’ projects. If you would like to consider being part of a group that works to support the people and community of which you are a part of please visit

We are active in over 200 nations and have about 1.4 million members worldwide. Gail and I have been active in Lions since 1976 and can truly say that it has been an extremely positive and rewarding part of our lives.

Thank you for your consideration,

Dr. Edward Cordes
Corning Lions Club