FASFA Completion Night, March 21, 2023

FASFA Completion Night, March 21, 2023
Posted on 03/06/2023
FASFA Completion Night, March 21, 2023March 6, 2023

Dear Elmira High School Senior Parents/Guardians:

Elmira High School counselors and staff are hosting a FAFSA completion night if you have not already filled this out for your student who plans to attend college in the fall. Corning Community College will be at the event to assist you. 

March 21, 2023
5:30 p.m. 
Elmira High School Cafeteria

Register by March 20 by filling out this form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=KtLKIY3tDEGU4Az1zjSEePzlqT3nEytHpHdwtHVEPwlURENKRjY4TkZKWlFZNVFDNUMzRUxPTE4yMi4u&origin=QRCode

Questions? Please don't hesitate to call Elmira High School at 607-735-3200.

BEFORE FASFA NIGHT | Documents Needed

1. Create an FSA ID and password for student and one parent- if parents are no longer together, then the custodial parent will need an FSA ID and password.


2. Also bring the following information with you: (Parent information will be needed for students born before 1/1/2000 and do not have dependents that you are supporting more than 50%)

-Student and Parent’s Social Security number (it’s important that you enter it correctly on the FAFSA form!)
-Student and parent driver’s license numbers if available
-Student Alien Registration number (for non-U.S. citizens)
-2021 Federal Tax Return (1040) and 2021 State Tax Return (IT-201) and W-2 from employer(s) for student and parent 
-Records of your untaxed income, such as child support received, interest income, and veteran non-education benefits for student and parent 
-Information on cash; savings and checking account balances; investments, including stocks and bonds and real estate (but not including the home in which you live); and business and farm assets for student and parent