Virtual Learning

This page includes information about Emergency Remote Instruction for Elmira City School District families, grades Pre-K - 12. 

Emergency Remote Instruction
Addendum to District-Wide Safety Plan

New York State Department of Education (NYSED) Requirement NYSED allows districts that would otherwise close due to an emergency to remain in session and provide instruction through remote learning, therefore counting these instructional days towards the annual hours and days requirement for State Aid purposes.

The District carefully considered remote/virtual instructional plans so that instruction will be available both virtually and in print. Attendance will be monitored by classroom teachers and tracked through SchoolTool.  We carefully considered remote/virtual instructional plans so that instruction will be available both virtually and in print. Attendance will be monitored by classroom teachers and tracked through SchoolTool. We are prepared to provide all students with maximum opportunity for engagement in meaningful learning.

Schoology is the learning management system for students to access virtual learning. This platform will allow students access to classroom Zoom links for LIVE check-ins and office hours with instructional staff and faculty.

Each school building has an individualized plan for emergency remote instruction. This information can be accessed through communication from your student's building principal and/or classroom teacher.  We are prepared to provide all students with maximum opportunity for engagement in meaningful learning.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me or your child’s building principal. It is our goal to make a virtual learning snow day a stress-free experience for students and families with advance notice and planning.

Getting Started with Schoology!

The Elmira City School District will be using a Learning Management System (LMS) called Schoology as the hub for curricular resources and activities for virtual learning.

Parent and Student 101 Guide to Getting Started with Schoology

Getting Started with your Elmira Student Device

Virtual School Etiquette for Students and Families