Dignity for All Students

Dignity for All Students — DASA

Why is the Dignity Act Important?

Students who experience harassment and/or discrimination may also experience problems with grade failure, behavioral problems, poor attendance, and social problems with peers because of the difficulty that they are experiencing. The Elmira City School District takes these issues seriously and is committed to safeguarding the rights given to all students under state and federal law, as well as to promoting a safe, healthy, orderly and civil school environment. The district’s administration, faculty and staff are dedicated to creating and maintaining a safe learning environment for all of our students.

Important Aspects of DASA:

The New York State Dignity for All Students Act was signed into law on September 13, 2010 and was placed in effect for all public schools on July 1, 2012.

The intent of the Dignity Act is to provide all students in New York State public schools a learning environment that is free of discrimination and harassment.

The Dignity Act states that NO student shall be subjected to harassment or discrimination by employees or students on school property or at a school function based on their actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender or sex.

School property includes school buildings, athletic playing fields, playgrounds, parking lots, and school buses. School functions include school-sponsored extracurricular events and activities.

Elmira City School District Dignity Act Coordinators and Reporting Procedures:

The Dignity Act requires that all schools have at least one staff-person designated as the Dignity Act Coordinator. The Dignity Act Coordinator is responsible for addressing reports of potential harassment and/or discrimination. If you have concerns about an incident of possible harassment or discrimination, please contact your school's Dignity Act Coordinator.


Beecher Elementary School: Kelley Bacalles, 607-735-3500

Broadway Elementary School: Rebecca Kiley, 607-735-3600

Coburn Elementary School: Matthew Burch, 607-735-3650

Diven Elementary School: Jo Legare, 607-735-3700

Fassett Elementary School: Mary Cox, 607-735-3900

Hendy Elementary School: Marc Vesci, 607-735-3750

Pine City Elementary School: Rhonda Baran, 607-735-3800

Riverside Elementary School: Heather Donovan, 607-735-3850

Broadway Academy: Carrie Rollins, 607-735-3300

Ernie Davis Academy: Colin Werfelman, 607-735-3100

Elmira High School: Christopher Reger, 607-735-3200

The Dignity Act Coordinator for the Elmira City School District is Derek Almy. Mr. Almy can be reached at 607-735-3040 or dalmy [@] elmiracityschools.com.

If you have a DASA concern, please fill out and submit the DASA Form.

For additional information related to the New York State Dignity for All Students Act, visit www.p12.nysed.gov/dignityact